Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Ready to move on.. I think...

I was heavily drugged up so I'm not sure of all the details.  J is bad with that sort of stuff so tomorrow, I'll send an email to my nurse and make sure I got the details right.  I had a polyp and more placental tissue in my uterus.  He took care of all that and I don't want to wait too long in case something else decides to grow in my uterus.  Anyway, it was my first time travelling with my pump.  The TSA at MDW said that people with pacemakers go through and they are fine.  Newsflash, this isn't a pacemaker.  I thought pacemakers are inside of the body.  This is outside of the body and exposure to xray or the scanner may result in a malfunction.  Plus, I think it could void the warranty from Medtronic.  I wasn't arguing about getting a pat down.  I think she didn't want to do it.  Well too bad.  I don't like it either but I'm certainly not risking my health because she thinks it will be ok.  I bet she pushes pregnant women to go through too because the TSA says it's safe.  Well, if it's some sort of xray, then I say no.  I'll opt out and get a pat down.  I'm just not going to risk it. And I thought pacemakers work if your heart stops.  So how do they know that it's safe?  Because the government says so?   She probably tells people with pacemakers that people with insulin pumps go through the scanner too just to get them through.  What does she care.  She was pretty rude about it.  I wanted to show her the manufacturers airport card but she didn't want to see it.  So much for educating someone.  Apparently she knows it all.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Getting ready...

I'm glad my procedure is coming up.  I just want to get it over with.  It's been a long and painful road and I'll finally have closure.  I'm trying to get past my anger.  I could have been past this already.  Water under the bridge at this point.  I'm hoping we can start our next transfer right away.  I don't want to waste any more time and risk having something other than a baby growing in my uterus.  I didn't realize till recently how much this has affected me.  From the end of June till September I had some sort of bleeding or spotting.  How do you move on when your body betrays you like that?  Every day was a reminder of the baby I lost.  I won't let this happen again.  I don't think I can go through something like that again and hopefully the next time, I'll have a baby at the end.  I have lots of thoughts about what went wrong.  The diabetes nurse said it could have been my blood sugar.  But thousands of women have diabetes and blood sugars even higher than had.  I was working so hard to keep it under control too and my A1C was 5.6 which was the range the Dr's wanted.  And shame on her for making me think it was my fault.  Now I wonder if it was the polyp.  I'll never know for sure.  What I do know is that now that I have my pump and CGM I hope my blood sugar control will be better than it was in May.  I know I'll have a clear uterus too.  So hears to hoping that next year we'll have our take home baby.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Feeling nervous...

I'm sure it's all perfectly normal.  Surgery is scheduled but I'm scared.  I don't know why this time I'm scared and other times I wasn't.  Who knows.  I think I was scared before but maybe not so far in advance of the day.  I want this to be the last surgery necessary and to go on to do my next transfer.  I want to be pregnant.  Most of all I want to be a mom.  I want to be the mom I was meant to be.  It seems every year I long for this.  I want to be out and about on mothers day.  Proud that I'm going to be a mom.  I don't want it to be the hardest day of my life anymore.  Lately, I feel like I have the cards stacked against me.  Every step forward comes with two steps backwards.  When do I get to be ahead of the deck?  Problems with my uterus.  Problems with my thyroid.  Last year, problems with my mammogram and my uterus.  I'm so tired of it all.  I keep trying to think of what I could have done to deserve this.  Maybe I should have prayed more.  Maybe I need to be more religious.  Maybe G-d will forgive me for whatever it is I've done.  Some days I feel so lost.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Plans are set...

I have my hysteroscopy scheduled.  I decided that it would be better to have my RE do it.  I just don't trust my GYN anymore.  I feel like she was covering her ass when she said it was a polyp.  I have a feeling it could be both.  This whole week has been spent bleeding.  Now my thyroid is out of whack as well.  It's going overactive and I feel miserable lately.  Why can't anything go right lately.  Hoping that once I have the hysteroscopy I can move forward even if my thyroid is out of whack.  I guess I'll have to wait and see.  I'm just so sick of waiting.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Feeling defeated....

I feel like I made one bad decision and now it's going to haunt me.  It took 8 weeks for my HCG to go down to 2.  My RE wanted me to have another sonohystogram to make sure no placental tissue was left behind.  I was really hoping nothing would be found but of course there is either a polyp or placental tissue in my uterus.  Radiologist will determine.  It means surgery either way.  Also explains why I'm still spotting off and on .  If we had done this in August, maybe there wouldn't be anything in my uterus right now and the insurance would have paid it in full. Since J is on LTD we had to sign up with my company insurance and my oop max is 5k.  I guess I'll wait and see what it is first.  But I know it's going to be costly.  My only other option is to travel to my RE and have him do it.  I know it won't cost as much.  I'm just kicking myself for not getting the D&C back in July/Aug.  It would have been over with and I could have been cycling again.  Instead I'm dealing with it now.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Finally have a plan....

Everything looks good.  My doctor recommends waiting it out which means I go for a blood test every Thursday till my HCG is zero.  She thinks it could take 2-3 weeks but I'll get there. My HCG is currently 855.  It was 1844 on 7/6 so it is going down.   I'm really hoping that everything is back to normal by August so maybe in September, I can do another transfer.  I've also decided to move towards getting an insulin pump.  I'm not saying the nurse I spoke with is right but she said my high blood sugar could have caused a miscarriage.  I wasn't that high.  I don't think I even hit 200.  She said even 150 could cause it.  Maybe a pump will give me more control and since I hit my out of pocket max, it shouldn't cost me anything. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Finally being cared for...

Well, after countless calls, messages left, no returned phone calls, I finally got a call that my doctor wanted to see me today.  Somehow I thought that would happen.  She didn't get the full story from the nurse (surprise)  and thought I was going to be making an appointment.  Apparently, the only information my doctor got was the letter from my RE.  Nothing about me calling.  The nurse is the one who requested the letter from my doctor.  Anyway, I explained everything that was going on. She gave me an exam, pregnancy urine test which came back positive, blood test to see if my HCG is going down and an ultrasound and a hug.  Hopefully, I'll find out everything tomorrow.  She said if HCG is going down and uterus looks almost clear then I could take a medication called Cytotec that would cause contractions and expel what's left.  Otherwise, I'll have to have a D&C to take care of this.  I'm so ready to move on.  And I'm so glad I have the doctor I have.

Friday, July 10, 2015


So my HCG is still high.  At least it was as of Monday.  My Dr called me on Tuesday AM to let me know and also to tell me he thinks I need a D&C at this point.  Of course I was so flustered at the thought.  He offered to write a letter to my GYN explaining everything.  I told him I would call her and talk to the nurse.  I called my GYN and spoke to the nurse explaining everything.  She said I should get a letter from my RE so I sent an email with the fax number and to who it goes to.  They sent it on Tuesday night.  I called the nurse again and she said she didn't get the letter.  So I asked my RE office to send it again.  By the time my GYN office got it the Dr had gone home for the day.  So she said she'd give it to her on Thursday at 2PM when she came in.  I didn't hear from them so I called later that day only to find out they were closed.  I tried again this morning at 8:30 am and left another message.  At 1:30 I called again and left another message.  This time I said "if the Dr. doesn't want to treat me then just call and let me know".  I got a voicemail at 2:15 saying the Dr has all the info and will review it in between patients and I'll hear from her on Monday.  I'm still very upset and I'm hoping they don't let me down on Monday.  I can't imagine the letter was that long that she couldn't read it within 15 minutes.  She no medical information other than that and me.  And she hasn't seen me yet.  I just wanted to know that I'll be taken care of by my Dr and yet I still know nothing.  

Friday, July 3, 2015

Trying to figure out next steps...

My nurse called me this morning.  HCG is in the 2000's.  She sent me another order for another blood test.  Hoping the levels are going down otherwise I'll probably have to have a D&C.  She said that's why I'm still bleeding.  So tired of all of this.  I just want all of this to be over so I can move on.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wishing it was over...

It's now a full week.  I'm still bleeding on and off.  Sharp cramps on and off.  I just want it to be over already.  I sent an email to my nurse asking when it will finally end.  She said it could be 7-10 days long.  Talk about prolonging the pain of all of this.  She did send me an order to see if my HCG level is down to zero.  Really hoping it is so we can finally move on.  I just want to be able to try again as soon as possible.  Also very stressed about money lately.  J is on disability and money is really tight.  Sometimes I feel like the walls are closing in on me.  If I try to get J to help with the budget, he suddenly doesn't feel well.  That upsets me too.  I need help with trying to figure it all out.  Why can't he understand that.  We have bills to pay and it can't all be on me to handle.  Sometimes I feel like he gets it and sometimes he freaks out.  We just have so much to figure out these days.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Feeling sad...

I wonder if it's all the hormones just going back to it's normal self.  Every day I feel something different.  Lately, it's been sadness and despair.  Not all day long.  But a lot of the time.  I feel tired, drained, sad and alone.  J seems oblivious sometimes.  He works on his models all day and night and doesn't seem to notice that I need him to be with me.  Why is it like that?  Even when I ask him to stay with me he doesn't really do it.  Why doesn't he get it?  Seems that he only notices when I don't get up and just stay curled up in bed for long periods of time.  Otherwise he's just in his own world.  I feel like I have to do everything.  Pay the bills, take care of the cats, clean up the house.  He just builds his models and that's all.  His job is done.  I'm the sucker that has to work all day and come home and work all night.  Maybe that's also why I'm feeling sad.  I want a partner and I'm not getting one.  And right now, I need him to be there for me and he's not.

Friday, June 26, 2015


I started to miscarry on Wednesday night.  I found some painkillers so I took that which helped.  Now I have cramps on and off since then.  I'm glad it started and my body is starting to feel somewhat normal again. Well, sort of.  Maybe not.  Things are so depressing right now.  Sometimes I feel so sad all I want to do is curl up in bed and stay there.   I'm worried about everything.  Worried about money, paying bills, J's dismal disability check, being able to get to NY for my Dad's unveiling, paying for our next trip to SC.  I want to try again but it's hard when all I think about is doom and gloom these days.  I'm hoping it's just my crazy hormones.  I just want to feel normal again.  I don't want to just go home and sleep all day and night.  And I can do that apparently.  I did it last weekend. Maybe this weekend will be better. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


U/S showed no growth since last week.  I now have to wait it out for the next few weeks and hope I miscarry on my own.  If not, I'll have to call my GYN and see if she'll do a D&C.  I'm hoping it doesn't come to that.   The sooner I get this over with, the sooner I'll be able to move on and heal.  My hormones are still raging and I'm never sure when I'll lose it.  I hate the way this feels.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Praying for miracles...

I keep searching the internet.  I keep trying to find stories similar to mine.  I just want this to be ok.  This is the baby I want.  I had thought it was meant to be.  I'm just not ready to give up.  That's what my heart says at least.  My head is thinking this is over and I need to accept it.  That this isn't our take home baby.  Please be wrong. I feel so alone sometimes.  

Thursday, June 18, 2015


I had my first u/s yesterday and things didn't go as planned.  J and I both knew something was wrong. The tech had a hard time finding the sac and when she finally did she measured 4 weeks 6 days.  No heartbeat was detected.  I should be 6 weeks 5 days.   What really made me mad is that J was calculating based on the fertilization date and that would make everything on track.  I told him it doesn't work that way.  The tech refused to set him straight and that got me more upset.  She even agreed with him.  This woman works in a fertility clinic and she knows how these things are calculated.  She said I shouldn't worry and I was pregnant.  I just wanted to get the hell out of there after that.  The sent an email to my nurse telling her what happened and what the tech measured.  She asked if we heard the heartbeat and also confirmed that I should be 6 weeks and 5 days.  They got the report faxed and it wasn't legible so they had to wait to call them.  The Dr called me last night and said I will likely miscarry but since they didn't do the u/s they wanted me to repeat that next Monday. So now I have an appointment for Monday.  I'm praying for miracle.  I'm praying the tech was a moron and incompetent.  I just want this to be alright. 

Friday, May 29, 2015


Well, first HCG levels were drawn yesterday.  Came back at 39.  Technically, I wasn't supposed to have a blood test till today.  Yesterday I wound up giving myself an overdose of long acting insulin.  I usually take 16 units in the evening and my doctor added a morning shot of 3 units.  I was rushing and without thinking I dialed to 16 units and proceeded to inject myself.  Once I realized what I had done, I finished my breakfast (already gave myself short acting) and rushed off to the ER.  They called poison control and said I needed to stay for the day to be monitored unless I'm pregnant and then I'd have to stay overnight.  They had me take a urine test first but they had the same problem I did.  Looked like a line but not quite sure, but if you hold it up to the light you can see it, etc.  So they ran a blood test and I couldn't believe it.  I'm pregnant.  My clinic decided to have me go in on Monday instead of today and see where it leads to.  Praying hard that Monday will have a rising HCG level.  Hoping for a 100 or more at least.  Right now, I feel cramps, some nausea, boobs hurt, bloated and tired.  I even took another test today when I came home and was so happy to see the second line.  No squinting needed.  It may be light but it's visible.

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