I started to miscarry on Wednesday night. I found some painkillers so I took that which helped. Now I have cramps on and off since then. I'm glad it started and my body is starting to feel somewhat normal again. Well, sort of. Maybe not. Things are so depressing right now. Sometimes I feel so sad all I want to do is curl up in bed and stay there. I'm worried about everything. Worried about money, paying bills, J's dismal disability check, being able to get to NY for my Dad's unveiling, paying for our next trip to SC. I want to try again but it's hard when all I think about is doom and gloom these days. I'm hoping it's just my crazy hormones. I just want to feel normal again. I don't want to just go home and sleep all day and night. And I can do that apparently. I did it last weekend. Maybe this weekend will be better.