Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Picking myself up....

This week has been a bit better than last week.  J is still home but he is working on a project while he heals his neck.  We're both hoping that he'll be able to go back to work very soon.  We really need the money and right now, I have to pay the rent on his storage till March which means I don't get to save anything and things will be fairly tight the next few months.  But as soon as he can, I'm getting that money back from him.  I'm hoping sometime in May.  If I read it correctly, his company is supposed to exit bankruptcy in May and their should be a payout to the pilots.  Unless they meant May 2014 but it didn't have a year listed only the month so I'm hopeful.  Anyway, I'm working on getting back into a routine of working out.  So far, I've been able to kick the junk food habit at work.  I was getting back into bad habits from the holidays.  I have gained a few pounds but hopefully, that will come off now that I'm being more careful.  I'm trying to keep busy and be more social.  I think it will help me mentally if I have things to do and keep me from focusing on baby baby baby all the time. 

This weekend will be a challenge for me.  J has someone coming over next week and I need to straighten up the house.  This may sound like a small project but it's not.  The baby thing has consummed my life and everything has taken a back seat including keeping the house tidy.  So basically, it's a disaster.  I have mail, papers, junk everywhere and the easiest thing to do is hide it in drawers when people come over but I really need to tackle that. Having a somewhat tidy house is important to me and I'm ashamed that I let it go for so long.  Hopefully, when I write next week, I'll have made progress on that.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Today has been a hard day for me. I'm feeling really sensitive and sad today. I just feel like crying. Maybe it's because I'm tired. Or maybe it's because I'm faking it lately. I'm trying to be happy but I'm not. I'm 45 and my life is still on hold. J is not well and that doesn't help anything. I'm trying not to be upset about the money. I know he didn't plan on this but it does set us back. I know I can pay the bills for the shop but I'd hate for 6 months to go by and he gets nothing done. I feel like it's the story of my life. Nothing seems to make sense anymore. I'm just so tired right now. I haven't slept well for days because of J and I'm just so damn tired.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Start of 2013

This is the second week of 2013 and I'm not sure it's starting out well. J hurt is neck…I think. Anyway, he's in a lot of pain and can't get comfortable at night to even go to sleep. He's finally going to the doctor today so hopefully they can do something for him. I printed out all the information on ESL (Extended Sick Leave) so we know what to do. He's been freaking out over the loss of pay and the fact that he recently rented a shop. We have a lease for six months so that is what he is worried about among other things. I think everything will be fine. ESL will pay you 60% of your salary. I guess we'll see what the doctor says but I'm hoping it's just a few weeks of physical therapy and back to work. Pray, pray. I know he's been crazy worried because I'm trying to save money for our next treatment and he doesn't want to take any of that savings from me. He stresses too much. I stress too but more out of frustration than anything else. I've already resided to the fact that we'll have to wait till at least next January to do another treatment. I'm hoping both of us can get a $2500 FSA which will give us a tax free/interest free loan for 2014. That along with our savings and 401K loan will give us most of the money we need for a cycle. I just need to keep focusing on that to get me through this year. I'm also hoping to get a loan by then too. We'll see. I'm very satisfied with my savings plan and paying down our debts. It's nice to have some of that taken care of. I think it will help our credit scores tremendously and we should be able to get a loan based on that. One thing I have to start doing again is getting healthy. I was doing so well in December but can't seem to get in the groove of things again. I have a goal of losing about 20 more pounds by summer. I think it will help keep my blood sugar in check plus, I really like how J has been acting around me. He said my legs look like Ferrari's. I'd say that was a very nice compliment and should give me incentive to keep it up.
This week also has a sad memory for me. Two years ago on Jan 10th, we had to put our sweet Yeager to sleep. I still miss him and wish he could've lived forever. I have two other cats but neither of them have the temperament that Yeager did. I was his peeps and he always tried to make me happy. It was like he was afraid of disappointing me or something. Even when he was terminally ill, he would purr and snuggle with us. And we both still miss him.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Goodbye 2012....

2012 was not my best year.   Unfortunately, it was filled with stress, anxiety and disappointment for me.  I'm glad it's over and I'm welcoming 2013 in with open arms.  Not saying all my dreams will come true in 2013 but we have a plan of action and that is all I can hope for.  The rest is in God's hands.  Hope everyone had a wonderful New Years and may all your dreams come true in 2013

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

More about the holidays...

Well, it's Christmas Day and I'm here alone with my cats.  I'm ok with that.  At least for now I am.  I had dreamed that this year would be so different for us.  I dreamed that we would celebrating a new life in the making but that's not the case right now.  Perhaps thats a hope for next year.  J is supposed to come home today.  Fingers crossed it all goes well.  Yesterday we discussed what we woud be having for dinner since everything will be closed by the time he comes home.  Steak and clams was the choice.  Not a traditional Christmas dinner but what does a jewish girl from NY know about that anyway.  It's always so quiet here on Christmas.  I have noticed that.  Families are together, celebrating and enjoying the special moments.  I hope we have that someday.  Right now it's just a day off to me.  Perhaps next year will bring me my desires and hopes.  I've been TTC for so long now that it has consumed me and my life.  It's all I think about and I need to change that or it will eventually destroy me.  I need to hope for the future but it can't be healthy to think of nothing but the baby I don't have and how empty I feel all the time.  I watch junk TV to escape my real life instead of living it.  This is a time for change.  I'm not sure what those changes are yet but as of this moment, it's just one day at a time. 

Sunday, December 23, 2012


I got a surprise call from my best friend today.  She seems the same as usual.  I'm starting to see that she is very depressed and doesn't love herself at all.  She puts up with her BF's crap because she thinks that's all she has left.  I wish she would just start taking care of herself and she'll see things can be different.  Our conversation seemed very stained.  I offered her suggestions but she shot them all down.  It just doesn't sound like things are going well for her right now.  I know how she feels but I still try to have hope for the future.  She asked my about my fertility stuff but I don't really want to talk to her about it.  She had once implied that using a donor would mean the baby isn't really mine. Then she went ahead and started her own fertility quest.  I now know she was jealous.  Plus when she was evaluated they told her she should have a surrogate.  She didn't tell me why but I figured out it was because of her health.  They wouldn't intentionally get someone pregnant that wasn't healthy enough to carry a pregnancy.  Anyway, it was a difficult conversation. She seems so angry at everything.  Her boyfriend, school, her weight.  I remember what J said to me about her and that I should pray for her and that's what I'm going to do.

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