This week has been better than last. I had the last of my scolding doctor appointments last week and hopefully it will be better for the last 7 weeks of my pregnancy. I made progress on the office and got the carpet steamcleaned and guest bed moved. Now I'm working on the baby's room. Hopefully this weekend J can move the rest of the furniture out and I can steam clean that carpet and then J can put the furniture together. After that, I need to get the rest of the house organized. I have a feeling I'll be running out of time to clean up and prepare. I just want everything perfect for her arrival. I hesitate to buy any more items till I have the nursery and the rest of the house in order. Guess I'm in the nesting phase.
Symptoms I felt this week:
Symptoms I felt this week:
- Breasts still itchy
- Tired and out of breath. Still finding it hard to walk at lunch at my usual pace
- Definitely hard to move finding it harder to move freely and tie my shoelaces
- Belly popping out
- Very full belly and very tight sometimes. Could be Braxton Hicks.
- Baby kicks and movement all over
- Sleeping issues a lot