....and the answer is another BIG FAT NEG. I won't say that I'm not disappointed, discouraged and sad that my embies didn't survive and implant. It hurts so much. I feel so empty. I have a black hole in me that will never be complete. Women who get pregnant easily are so lucky. They'll never have to feel the disappointment month after month, year after year. I'm sure they have other challenges but right now I wish I was in there shoes. People say "relax and it will happen". News Flash people, after 8 years I'm sure my relaxation techniques aren't the issue. At least J was home when I got the call. I'm glad he was home this time. I handled it much better than the last time. What's funny is that later that day we were leaving Walmart and the Ultrasound Tech that called to give me the bad news was coming into Walmart. She probably hates that part of her job. I know what it feels like to be the messenger and it's not an easy thing to do. I'm sure the last thing she wanted to see is one of the people she had to call and give bad news to. Well, I'm not going to give up. I'm feeling tired and have cramps on and off but I'll survive and try again. I am reading a lot on things like DHEA. I'm going to do some research and see what my RE says about it. I'm feeling like I'm running out of options so it's that and hopefully some sort of change in diet.
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