Friday, June 16, 2023

So far so good...

This has been G's first week at the new daycare.  So far we like what we see in the place.  The person who runs it, has a child with ADHD and understands all too well.  She's a published author on a childrens book about ADHD.  It's on my list to order.  It's called "My Running Mind" and I'm purchasing it on Amazon.  If anyone is interested in it, I've linked it to the amazon page.  They seem chaotic but yet have total control over the children.  G has been having issues and we've been seeing her in the zone lately.  But they handled it so well.  So much better than just "your daughter is really aggressive"  I keep thinking of that comment and it gets me super angry.  These people are in the business of taking care of children and G is a child.  Have they never managed a child that has ADHD?  I guess they like to be selective with the children they get.  Only those that sit still.  We won't talk about the little boy that asked G if she wanted to see his weenie?  That was G's fault too.  I keep wondering where the adults were while this and other things were going on.  Well, keep praying for my little one and that she's now at the daycare she fits in well with.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

The new daycare...

So G started her new daycare.  So far so good.  J thinks its too chaotic and she'll get bad habits there.  Maybe, maybe not.  But she got herself booted from the last one and that's the reality. J is always losing it these days.  She doesn't do what she's supposed to do and he yells that he's going to die soon.  I don't think that's good for her to hear and I'm not sure why he doesn't get it.  He keeps saying it to me as well and it gives me a lot of stress.  He doesn't feel well so everyone has to suffer.  Honestly, I think he'll accomplish dying if he doesn't stop saying it. He is always he should have done this or should have done that.  I'm surprised I'm still alive with the amount of stress he's put me through.  Anyway, G had an episode this morning and all this came up.  She can't control herself and you can say it to her over and over and she doesn't get it.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

J is home and new daycare for G tomorrow...

I'm praying for her.  She knows she caused this to happen.  When you have an adult that is not compassionate and doesn't want to help a child, there is nothing you can do.  G is 6 years old.  She's smart but immature.  She doesn't know how to regulate herself.  She knows right from wrong but craves acceptance.  So when someone is giving her acceptance, it's ok to do the wrong thing.  This is what she's thinking in her brain.  It's not the right way.  We need to get her to understand that.  So even though there were other players in the mix of doing wrong, G is the one that got booted.  It breaks my heart because she doesn't understand how she was singled out.  Even when I explain it to her she doesn't get it.  Not totally.  She was always one step away from being dismissed.  The lady said it to me.  G is aggressive.  But the teacher said she was fine.  Two stories about one child.  G didn't mean to hurt anyone.  I'm not sure how a childs scissors can cut someone but if 3 children were playing with the scissors and one of these kids got hurt how did G get blamed for the entire episode.  Lots of unanswered questions but it really doesn't matter.  She has a new daycare tomorrow.  So I'm praying for her.  Praying she behaves well.  Praying she finds friends and acceptance.  Praying she makes good choices.  

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Another daycare bites the dust...

It's hard to say what happened.  The teacher didn't say G hurt anyone but they were playing with scissors and someone got hurt. So off to Brain Balance and then they called as her session was ending early because G wet herself.  I had J call them back as I didn't want to talk to them.  They said a little girl was hurt and her parents were very upset and G is now not allowed to return to the daycare.  G said they were both playing with the scissors and throwing them and she didn't know how she got hurt.  But G is being blamed for it.  So there it is. This lady said she didn't want G there so now she isn't.  I don't think it's fair and I'm sure she isn't the only one so let her find out.  I know G isn't a perfect little girl.  My heart breaks for her.  I don't want her to think she's no good.  I want her to grow up and realize there are consequences.  She needs to make better decisions.  She needs to know right from wrong and not go down the path of wrong because others are doing it.  How do I get her to understand that?  How do I get through to her?

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Monday night therapy...

So yesterday afternoon, J picked up G early.  We went to see her previous therapist.  He knows her so it was a good choice to make.  G likes to please people but doesn't understand that someone being a friend doesn't ask you to do things that aren't appropriate.  We just need to keep on reminding her about that.  We and her therapist believe it was initiated by the boy.  I don't know what goes on in his home nor do I care.  I care about what my daughter does.  Her actions and behaviors is what's important right now.  We did giver her the tablet for the ride but again, she just can't handle it.  She can't regulate herself to realize how it impacts her. So no tablet for now.   Let's hope for an uneventful week for G other than her having fun.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

J is home and the story gets crazy...

So J came home on Friday.  He went to pick her up at the daycare with the hope of talking to that lady that has it out for G.  She was gone for the day so J talked to her teacher.  He told her what's going on and she was shocked.  She was the one who saw the boy and G doing something inappropriate.  She didn't think it was as bad as was relayed to us.  J also mentioned that the documentation is being used as a report to get G dismissed.  I was the one who asked for the reports so I can know what to talk to her therapist about when we finally get one.  This lady said to me we'll see how it goes and if in a couple of weeks we'll talk about unenrollment.  So why am I paranoid?  This is why.  Why am I stressed? This is why.  Her teacher said she had a pretty much perfect day.  Everything went so well.  Her teacher had no idea the reports were being used like that.  I should ask her to also document when she's having a wonderful day and just being a little girl enjoying her life.  I hate this woman right now.  G isn't a troublemaker.  She's a 6 year old little girl.  She's smart. She's sassy. She's outgoing. And she's the class clown but she's loving and sweet.  She wants to do everything herself but when she can't get's angry.  We are working on that.  We are working on her ADHD.  Small steps.  I feel like there are so many judgemental people out there.  G doesn't conform to what others want her to be and that frustrates them.  When you think you'll get one reaction, you wind up getting another.  But nothing is wrong with her that would justify being singled out like she is.  Please pray for my little girl.  She doesn't need to be treated like this.  

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