Well, I thought I would be doing this on Wed. My RE has thrown a monkey-wrench into the whole plan. The plan was to trigger tonight and do the retrieval on Wed. Well, he wants me to continue with the meds till Wed and come back for yet another blood test and ultrasound to see if I'm ready to trigger. I'm super uncomfortable. I'm running out of spots to inject myself that aren't bruised. Plus, now I have to take so much additional time off and J is working on the day of transfer. I really hate the idea of having to do this alone. I was also so super stressed waiting for the nurse to call me tonight. I was getting so freaked out. I didn't hear back from them till 5:40. I was afraid they left a message on someone else's phone but they didn't. It turned out that they also had to get me re-scheduled for Friday. That's what took so much time to do. Anyway, that's my update on this IVF cycle. Retrieval set for April Fools Day. Woo hoo.