I'm sort of feeling a bit down these days. I'm trying to think positively, and working on myself. Yesterday I went off track but I'm back to it today. I was down yesterday. Today is better and last night was good too. Giuli had a good day yesterday and hopefully today she'll have a good day too. I promised she can sleep in my room tonight and tomorrow since it's the weekend and J is away. She has been doing well and eating well too. This weekend is a shopping weekend too. I can't find her clothes from IL so we are going shopping for some new things. Coats, dresses, skirts, pants, tops oh my.
We have her pre-op appointment on Monday afternoon. I'm thinking we will start to discuss the surgery with her after that. I'm glad it's after Halloween so she can enjoy that day. And hopefully, she'll recover quickly and enjoy all the pops and ice cream she can eat. She's been watching on her tablet stories of kids in the hospital for something. Maybe she can glorify it so she's not so scared. I'm getting my list of questions for the Dr set up. I'm praying we can go back in there with her till she falls asleep and be there when she wakes up. Also want to know what technique they are going to use. After speaking to others who had kids with this procedure, I hear that cauterizing it and not using a blade is the best outcome for quick recovery. Hoping that the Dr has all the answers I want to hear. LOL.